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Should You Wait for Winter to Buy a Home?

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Today, I'd like to address one of the questions from our clients. A lot of people have been asking, "Should I wait until winter to buy a home?" Many people think buying in the winter will save them money, but my answer may surprise you.

Of course, real estate is supply and demand. When supply is higher and demand is lower, then prices will come down. When supply is lower and demand is higher, prices will rise. Right now, we're seeing low supply and high demand.

With our current market, I don't believe that home prices are going to come down during the fall. I don't see any point in waiting until winter in order to save more money. Prices may stabilize in the fall, but it doesn't look like they are going to drop. In fact, if you wait, you may do yourself a disservice, especially if interest rates rise. Higher rates means less buying power.

If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. We look forward to hearing from you!


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