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What's Happening in Our Market

For the next part of my appearance on “Your Carolina With Jack and Megan,” I’m explaining what you can do to make the process of buying a home move a little bit quicker and smoother.

Looking to buy a Greenville home? Click here to search all local homes on the MLS.
Looking to sell your Greenville home? Click here to use our home evaluation tool.

Today I’m happy to show you the fourth installment of my guest appearance on “Your Carolina With Jack and Megan.”

In this segment, we addressed what you can do as a homebuyer to make the process go a little faster and a little bit about move-up buyers in our market.

When securing a mortgage, you’ll want recent paystubs and the last two years of your tax returns to start. Nowadays, much of this can even be done online with a smartphone app without even talking to someone.

It’s a perfect market for move-up buyers.

So what about the buyers who have to sell their house in order to buy the next one? Our current market is perfect for move-up buyers. If for example you have a $150,000 house and want to move into a $300,000 house, you’ll be able to sell your current house quickly and have a higher amount of inventory to choose from in the $300,000 market.

If you have any questions about the home buying process or anything about our market, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I’m always happy to help!

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